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Chronic Candidiasis is a systemic, or whole system, yeast infection. It may or may not exhibit the external symptoms typically associated with yeast infection and can thus go undiagnosed or even misdiagnosed.
The term Chronic Candidiasis Syndrome has been coined to describe this condition. It is often associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) since on-going (chronic) low-engery (fatigue) is a common symptom for both. Chronic Candidiasis is thought to result from an intestinal or gastronomic yeast infection.
Fortunately more doctor and other health professionals are becoming aware of Chronic Candidiasis and how to detect it and treat it. Typical symptoms vary but common complaint include chronic fatigue or low-energy, depression, muscle soreness, headaches, frequent skin irritations, food sensitivities and digestion problems.
The initial focus of was on the more common yeast infections such as vaginal, mouth/thrush, and skin infections. However with more and more solid, reliable information being published for Chronic Candidiasis we are currently working to expand our site to bring reliable especially on home remedies and natural treatments for this condition.
For now, we'd like to share with you links to other sites which we've researched and reviewed. We feel these represent the best resources, both on-line and in print for people who feel they may be suffering from Chronic Candidiasis.
Dr. William G. Crook published one of the first popular book on candida, "The Yeast Connection". He created a self-check questionnaire has remained a standard in assessing candida related illness for many years. The website presents auto-scoring self-evaluation tests so you can do a self-evaluation for this condition. One is a shorter to give you a quick check while the full questionnaire is 70 questions. has an in-depth article on Candida infection. Browse their site for the article CANDIDA ALBICANS: Are You Winning Battles But Losing the War?. HealthExcel is a site that sells books and products but this excellent article is free and very informative.
Stephen C. Byrnes, a Naturopathic Doctor and Clinical Nutritionist, presents his treatment for Candidiasis on Chet Day's informative website Look for the article Conquering Candidiasis Naturally under the topic Candida.
"Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook, Revised 2nd Edition : Everything You Need to Know About Prevention, Treatment & Diet" by Jeanne Marie Martin and Zoltan Rona, M.D
This book is well written and includes in-depth information (528 pages). It presents effective alternatives for treating Candida overgrowth. Topics covered include:
Recommended herbal and vitamin supplements that control Candida Yeast Tips for improving your lifestyle and maintaining a healthy mind and body Wholesome diet and menu options Medical and nutritional guidelines for asthma, cancer, diabetes, and more
"Chronic Candidiasis: Your Natural Guide to Healing with Diet, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Exercise, and Other Natural Methods"by N.D. Michael T. Murray
Dr. Murray's book is comprehensive, with easy to understand information. This 192 page book includes a step-by-step approach to controlling Candida. Topic include:
How to determine if you suffer from candida yeast syndrome A seven step program for dealing with candidiasis How to select the best foods to control candida growth Recommended vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
Pick these up at your local bookstore or favorite on-line book seller.
View the original article here
Chronic Candidiasis is a systemic, or whole system, yeast infection. It may or may not exhibit the external symptoms typically associated with yeast infection and can thus go undiagnosed or even misdiagnosed.
The term Chronic Candidiasis Syndrome has been coined to describe this condition. It is often associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) since on-going (chronic) low-engery (fatigue) is a common symptom for both. Chronic Candidiasis is thought to result from an intestinal or gastronomic yeast infection.
Fortunately more doctor and other health professionals are becoming aware of Chronic Candidiasis and how to detect it and treat it. Typical symptoms vary but common complaint include chronic fatigue or low-energy, depression, muscle soreness, headaches, frequent skin irritations, food sensitivities and digestion problems.
The initial focus of was on the more common yeast infections such as vaginal, mouth/thrush, and skin infections. However with more and more solid, reliable information being published for Chronic Candidiasis we are currently working to expand our site to bring reliable especially on home remedies and natural treatments for this condition.
For now, we'd like to share with you links to other sites which we've researched and reviewed. We feel these represent the best resources, both on-line and in print for people who feel they may be suffering from Chronic Candidiasis. has an in-depth article on Candida infection. Browse their site for the article CANDIDA ALBICANS: Are You Winning Battles But Losing the War?. HealthExcel is a site that sells books and products but this excellent article is free and very informative.
Stephen C. Byrnes, a Naturopathic Doctor and Clinical Nutritionist, presents his treatment for Candidiasis on Chet Day's informative website Look for the article Conquering Candidiasis Naturally under the topic Candida.
"Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook, Revised 2nd Edition : Everything You Need to Know About Prevention, Treatment & Diet" by Jeanne Marie Martin and Zoltan Rona, M.D
This book is well written and includes in-depth information (528 pages). It presents effective alternatives for treating Candida overgrowth. Topics covered include:
Recommended herbal and vitamin supplements that control Candida Yeast Tips for improving your lifestyle and maintaining a healthy mind and body Wholesome diet and menu options Medical and nutritional guidelines for asthma, cancer, diabetes, and more
"Chronic Candidiasis: Your Natural Guide to Healing with Diet, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Exercise, and Other Natural Methods"by N.D. Michael T. Murray
Dr. Murray's book is comprehensive, with easy to understand information. This 192 page book includes a step-by-step approach to controlling Candida. Topic include:
How to determine if you suffer from candida yeast syndrome A seven step program for dealing with candidiasis How to select the best foods to control candida growth Recommended vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
Pick these up at your local bookstore or favorite on-line book seller.
View the original article here
Resolved Question
Show me another»What's the best way to treat chronic intestinal Candidiasis?
I have had chronic Candidiasis for years after taking many, many courses of antibiotics. I have been treating it with Pao D'arco and probiotics, but lately the Pao D'arco doesn't seem to be working. I've tried garlic, caprylic acid and psyllium, and a few herbal blends, none worked very well. What would be the most effective natural treatment for Candida? Any kind of treatment suggestions would be nice.
Additional Details
Ok. let me be more specific, yes, I have been diagnosed by 2 medical doctors as having candidiasis. Yes, I already follow a no sugar, no white flour, no simple carbs, low-glycemic index diet, and have been taking acidopholus for many years. No, I do not have a psychological problem. I have a medically diagnosed over-growth of yeast in my intestines because of large doses of anti-biotics that were prescribed to me as a child when doctors gave antibiotics for everything, bacterial or not. I'm allergic to penicillin so I've taken the same antibiotic over and over again. Oxygen treatment has not helped. I'm looking for reviews of herbal products.
4 years ago
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Actually, the best thing you can do is change your diet. No sugar, no simple carbs. Period. Sugar means corn syrup, honey and/or maple syrup, fructose and other sweeteners too.
Simple carbs should be eliminated if they are white-white rice, white bread, white pasta, white flours, etc. Even bananas should be avoided. You can still eat high fiber fruits and grains but be sure they are unprocessed as much as possible. Those are what feeds the yeast. If it has no food it dies.
I have also had success using small amounts of herbs with berberine compounds (i.e. golden seal or Oregon grape root) Too much of those act just as antibiotics to though, so you should really ask an naturopath to monitor you if you wish to try that route.
Acidophiles is another supplement that may be helpful. The best way to get it is by ingesting it in live culture form-often people will eat yogurt.
Simple carbs should be eliminated if they are white-white rice, white bread, white pasta, white flours, etc. Even bananas should be avoided. You can still eat high fiber fruits and grains but be sure they are unprocessed as much as possible. Those are what feeds the yeast. If it has no food it dies.
I have also had success using small amounts of herbs with berberine compounds (i.e. golden seal or Oregon grape root) Too much of those act just as antibiotics to though, so you should really ask an naturopath to monitor you if you wish to try that route.
Acidophiles is another supplement that may be helpful. The best way to get it is by ingesting it in live culture form-often people will eat yogurt.
me-I am an herbalist with 2 certifications in herbal medicine