Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Home Remedies for you and your family

Some Effective Home Remedies

Ever try home remedies? Maybe you think that only things your doctor prescribes can help take care of your problems. Actually there are many diseases that can be cured by home remedies more effectively and safely than using modern medicines. Perhaps your grandmother really was right when she gave you some of those crazy treatments as a kid. We are learning more remedies every day that were once considered brilliant, then foolish, and now the doctors once again marvel at the brilliance of these treatments.
One example of a home remedy that is more effective than medications is a treatment for allergies. Many people will add five drop of castor oil in a little juice or water in the mornings on an empty stomach. This remedy helps allergies in the intestinal tract, skin, and nasal passages.

Another great example is chicken pox. There are dozens of very effective home remedies for chicken pox. For instance, an oatmeal bath is a popular remedy to help relieve the itching caused by chicken pox. All you have to do is cook two cups of oatmeal in two liters of water. You cook this for fifteen minutes before putting it in a thin cotton bag and dropping it into warm bath water. Swish it around until the water becomes smoky. Leave in the bag, making sure there are no holes in it, and then let your child play. The itching will be relieved for a time.

Our final wonderful example of home remedies at work is using cinnamon to treat your sore throat. Most of us probably have a sore throat every winter, but you can relieve the pain by adding one teaspoon of coarsely powdered cinnamon and a pinch of pepper powder to a glass of water; then, boil the water and drink up.
You can also use two teaspoons of honey or add two or three drops of cinnamon oil to the honey.
But remember that with all self-treatments you should know their limits! Be sure to consult your doctor if symptoms persist.

There are also many great home treatments for Candida. Garlic capsules are one of the most popular treatments for Candida sufferers. Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and can help to prevent yeast overgrowth. You can take garlic pills by mouth and they will help.

Yeast infections also have many effective home remedies including using garlic cloves. If you insert a peeled garlic clove into the vagina it can help kill off the bacteria. However, be sure you don?t insert it too far as it may take all day to work out. You can also put plain yogurt without any added sugar onto a tampon and insert it into the vagina. You may also want to wear panty liners all the time in order to keep moisture away from your body.
These remedies may sound unusual or disturbing, but they actually work better than most popular medications. Most of the medicines on the market have negative side effects that can affect your health on other levels. Try these home remedies and decide which work best for your specific needs.
View the original article here

Sarah H Sarah H

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Herpes help!? Unbareable Pain! Please help?

I came down with what at first thought was a yeast infection ( I was on 4 different antiobiotics for a month) Doctor warned me i would probably get one.. Okay but i started noticed bumbs looked like blisters, then canker sores, and then dried up really hard..it keeps itching and then i see more and more blisters even on my butt. I cant sleep literally the pain throbs and i feel cramps and swollen lymp nodes.. I cant stop crying i feel so depressed.. Its all overwhelming pain.. No doctors can see me till monday and i feeel i can not wait.. its severely painful.. What should i do.. What could soothe it?? and fast?? any overcounter creams?? bath? Home remedies(besides yogurt..Burned way too bad) Pain medications that work the best?? How do i overcome the depression?? Pls no rude answer thank you!

Additional Details

I'm sorry but what other ways can you get them other than exposure to the virus? If you mean type then I do not know.. But I am asking to relieve pain not cure it.. I understand that takes time
3 years ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Take warm sitz baths or wash the area with warm water 3 or 4 times a day.
In between sitz baths, keep the sores clean and dry.
Using a hair dryer to dry off the sores may be more comfortable than using a towel.
Wear cotton underpants, which absorb moisture better than those made from synthetic material.
Take paracetamol for pain and reduce any fever you may have.
You can apply ice on the sores every ten minutes to the areas affected to restrict the movements of the virus from the nerve cells to the skin. 
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Asker's Comment:
Thanks.. Found out it wasn't herpes but this still helps :]]

Do You Have Dandruff On Face? - Remedies

BoldSky - 7 Feb 2012
The antibacterial and antifungal properties will take care of the infection and clear dryness. Neem is excellent home remedy for yeast and fungal infections ...

More Articles:

Natural Antibiotics - Probiotics - Home Remedies Yeast Infection

Home Remedies Yeast Infection

Natural Antibiotics & Probiotics

Using natural antibiotics and probiotics you can avoid the dangers of excessive antibiotic prescriptions that has become so common in the U.S.
Excessive use of antibiotic has resulted in the breeding of powerful antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains that are nearly imposible to treat. Read more to learn about the problem and what you can do to protect yourself and your family.

When you bring your child to the doctor for a cold, sore throat, or flu, do you automatically expect a prescription for antibiotics? Many of us do. And we?re often surprised, maybe even upset, if we leave the doctor's office empty-handed. But your child's doctor is probably doing you and your child a favor by not quickly prescribing antibiotics.

Taking antibiotics for colds and other viral illnesses not only does not really help, but it also has a dangerous effect: over time. This can actually help create stronger strains of germs that are much more difficult to treat. This is known as bacterial resistance. When a child takes antibiotics too often the "good" bacteria that normally live in (and helps) the body are unintentionally destroyed along with the "bad." The resistant bacteria may survive and grow rapidly. This means that the same antibiotics may not work the next time the child is actually sick with a bacterial infection.

This has become a serious problem, especially in the U.S. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls it "one of the world's most pressing public health problems." Bacteria that were once treatable using antibiotics have become more and more resistant. Among bacteria that are becoming more difficult to treat are those that cause pneumonia, urinary infections, ear infections, skin infections, and meningitis.
First, stop the overuse problem. When you visit your doctor mention that you?re concerned about antibiotic overuse. If your doctor wants to prescribe an antibiotic for you or your child ask them how necessary it is. Ask if your condition one that will clear up on its own without the use of antibiotics.

Second, find natural alternatives to antibiotics, especially for minor infections. If your condition is serious your doctor will let you know. But if not, try with one of the alternative listed below.

Third, if you must take an antibiotic, take a probiotic supplement for 2-4 weeks afterwards. Available at your natural food store or on-line, probiotic products are effective in replenishing your system with ?friendly? bacteria that may have been destroyed as a side of taking antibiotics.

Garlic has been shown to contain elements that destroy both bacteria and yeast. It is available in many forms.

Grapefruit seed extract is a powerful all-around antimicrobial product and is an excellent disinfectant. Grapefruit seed extract has a variety of uses and comes in a liquid, capsules and tablets.

Tea tree oil is a natural antibiotic. Derived from the leaves of the native Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, this oil contains antiseptic elements that act as a skin disinfectant.. It can be beneficial in treating yeast infections, acne, athlete's foot, ringworm, jock itch, fungal infections of the toenail or fingernails, and more.

Colloidal silver has been successfully used for over a century as a powerful antibiotic and is known to kill many disease organisms.
Researchers at New Zealand?s Waikato University have discovered the remarkable ability of natural honey as an antibacterial agent. Honey may be applied full strength or diluted and will completely stop the growth of all the major infectious species of bacteria. They also found that honey was, in some cases, superior to antibiotics in treating drug-resistant strains of bacteria. Use it for bites, stings, cuts or any topical infection.

Olive leaf extract has an active ingredient called elenolic acid. This acid has strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects. It has proven to be useful in cases of yeast and fungal infections, herpes, chronic fatigue, allergies and psoriasis.


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Are there any natural remedies to cure a yeast infection?

I am taking antibiotics and it causing me a yeast infection. Any ideas on how to cure it with natural products, and how do I prevent it from reoccuring. I will be on the antibiotics for a few months.
  • 4 years ago
A. Lynn

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Well...yoghurt...and garlic cloves, actually. I've never tried it, but I've know women who swear by it.


A. Lynn

Vaginal Yeast Infection Drugstore Products

Drugstore Products Used For Vaginal Yeast Infection

Our home remedies will take care of most vaginal yeast infections, however, sometimes stronger treatment is needed. A visit to your local drugstore will turn up a number of commercial products that are sold 'over-the-counter' or OTC, that is, without a doctor's prescription.

Each over-the-counter fungicide is listed here with the product name and its active ingredient: Monistat-1 with active ingredient tioconazole Monistat-3 also with tioconazole (3-day treatment) Femstat or Mycelex with butoconazole Monistat-7 with miconazole Mycelex or Gyne-Lotrimin both with chlotrimazole

All of the above medications are considered anti-fungals because the are designed to attack and kill the candida (yeast) fungus. Those of us who prefer the natural health philosophy have a problem with this approach, namely that you are NOT dealing with the root cause of your health problem.

Most likely the reason that you have a vaginal yeast infection is because you are missing vital healthy bacteria in your system. Isn't it better to deal with the source instead of the symptom? We think so and therefore recommend that most people begin their yeast infection treatment by trying yogurt and/or probiotics first.

However, thousands of women use these products ... and they do go to work quickly in attacking the yeast infection. But this site is all about giving YOU the information you need to make you own health choices.

So ... are there any reasons you would NOT want to use an anti-fungal? Consider these:
Adverse Side Effects Allergic Reactions Latex Breakdown Cost

Not all people respond the same to any medicine. A treatment that works okay for the majority of people may cause problems in some individuals. One report listed butoconazole, the active ingredient in both Femstat and Mycelex, as one of the top ten drugs reported to the US FDA in causing adverse reactions.

This may be another case where "the cure is worse than the disease". Allergic reaction to miconazole (active ingredient of Monistat-7) is fairly common and can cause a great deal of discomfort as you may now have an allergic rash on top of your yeast rash! Product literature for one product reminds patients to "tell your doctor if you have ever had any unusual or allergic reaction to any of the azoles" ... referring to the family of drugs of which the yeast anti-fungals are a part.

You should carefully read all literature that comes with any product for treating vaginal yeast infection to make sure you understand the side effects before using it. Also, an on-line search of both the product name and active ingredient should lead you to information on known side effects.

Buyer beware!
The anti-fungals have also been shown to breakdown latex. Yep! That's the same material used in condoms and diaphragms. To quote from one product's documentation:

"If you use latex or rubber birth control devices (condoms, diaphragms, or cervical caps), you should wait 3 days after treatment with azole antifungal agents before using them again . Many brands of vaginal azoles contain oils in the product that can weaken these devices. This increases the chances of a condom breaking during sexual intercourse. The rubber in cervical caps or diaphragms may break down faster and wear out sooner. ..."

Most of products for vaginal yeast infection sell for about $15 to $20. Not terribly expensive ... about the same investment you'd make for a 30-day supply of an acidophilus or probiotic supplement.
You can find them a bit cheaper on-line but don't forget to add shipping costs .. and you'll have a few days delay wait for the shipment.


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How do you cure a male yeast infection?

I know of vinegar, garlic cloves, cranberry juice and yogurt, being able to help cure. I'm going for the more natural remedies, rather than drugs. Is there anything I'm missing? I also know about wearing loose clothes that aren't damp.

Any help is appreciated!
  • 2 years ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Sometimes it is way faster and healthier to just do the meds.
  • 2 years ago

Beauty and the yeast infection

easttennessean.com (subscription) - 9 Feb 2012
Yeast infections can be treated by over-the-counter medications that you can buy in a localdrugstore. These come in vaginal creams that you insert into the ...

Male Yeast Infection How To Quickly Identify Symptoms

How To Quickly Identify Symptoms Of A Men's Yeast Infection

Here we cover male yeast infection symptoms, causes, and treatment choices. We also cover a related, more general male condition called Balanitis (see bottom of this page).

Men can develop a yeast infection although it?s not as common for men as it is for women. While outbreaks of yeast overgrowth can show up anywhere on the body the most common locations are the mouth, skin and the male genitals. Oral yeast infection, often called thrush, is covered on our Oral Thrush page [future page]. The rest of this page focuses on penile yeast infection. Women should also be familiar with male yeast infection symptoms since it is possible for partners to transmit the yeast infection back and forth.

The major symptoms of penile yeast infection in men is irritation, itching, and soreness of the head of the penis. The head may also show redness and have small white blisters.
Other male yeast infection symptoms burn sensation with urination or other contact. There is usually not white discharge as with women but it may be possible in some cases.Male yeast infection is sometimes referred to as Balanitis which is a condition that displays the same symptoms as male yeast infection symptoms. See bottom of this page for more details.

WARNING: It is very important to be careful in doing self-diagnosis of male yeast infection symptoms since they are very close to those of genital herpes and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Thus if you have any doubts be sure to visit your doctor.
The main penile yeast infection causes include the following: sexual transmission use of antibiotics diabetes

Sexual Transmission
Yeast infection can be transmitted between marriage partners by direct contact. However, remember that the Candida Albicans organism is normal, healthy part of your body. The root problem therefore is when there is an overgrowth of the yeast organism. Thus, for yeast infection in men, they also should consider their overall health situation. Factors such as antibiotic use, diabetes, and diet are likely factors that have made them more susceptible to yeast infection. On the other hand, if their spouse is suffering from a yeast infection this does expose them to much greater concentrations of this normally ?friendly? organism. Thus intimate contact should be considered as one factor in causing yeast infection in men.If either person has an active infection, refrain from intimate contact to avoid exposing your partner. This will also help the infected person avoid discomfort and irritation.

Another major factor of yeast infection in men is extensive antibiotic use. As with females, over time the antibiotics will kill off the friendly bacteria that is a normal component of the micro-oganisms in your body. As these are killed off, the is less and less competition for the yeast organisms and they can start to take over.

Patients with diabetes are more likely to show male yeast infection symptoms. This could be due to the yeast organism feeding off of raised level of sugar in the system.

If you?re believe you have a penile yeast infection you have a number of treatment choices.Men can use many of the same medications and drugs available for women. For a complete description of these see the following pages:

If you are quite sure that what you?re seeing is male yeast infection symptoms you can also employ a number natural home remedies for yeast infection.
For a full explanation of these see our popular page:
Specifically, for men with yeast infection, you may wish to start with application of plain yogurt. The refrigerated, cool yogurt is reported to sooth the irritation and itch while it provides a healthy dose of competing micro-organisms.Other preparations from our home remedies page can be used, however, you should be careful whenever you try something the first time. Apply all substances (e.g. crushed garlic) in diluted quantities to a tiny test spot to see how your skin responds. Of course, ingesting (i.e. eating) normal quantities of yogurt or garlic and other fungus-fighting herbs shouldn?t be a problem.
What is balanitis? The term Balanitis is used to describe all inflammation of the skin covering the foreskin and/or head (glans) of the penis.

Symptoms reddening of foreskin or penis rashes, white bumps, on the head of the penis pain or soreness of the penis and foreskin pungent discharges

The male yeast infection symptoms ? redness, inflammation, irritation ? are all consistent with this general condition. However, many problems other than yeast infection could be the cause.
Balanitis is usually caused by poor hygiene especially in uncircumcised men. The inflammation can also be due to a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection, caustic soaps, or failure to properly rinse soap off while bathing. Another common cause is from allergies, such as those of latex and chemicals used in condoms or skincare products. Several other diseases, including Reiter's syndrome and lichen sclerosis, erythema multiforme, can also cause balanitis.

WARNING: Balanitis or male yeast infection symptoms can also be caused by sexually transmitted disease. Be sure to see your doctor right away of symptoms persist or get worse.

Purple OrangePurple Orange

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Best Over The Counter Yeast Infection Cure?

Well I'm 13 and I have a yeast infection.. Actually I think I have had it for a while.. Anyways. I'm tired of this so I am willing to ask my grandma (I live with her..) to go get me some medicine/cream to get rid of my yeast infection.. So what is the best kind that she could buy at a drug store or grocery store? Thanks(:
  • 10 months ago
  • (Tiebreaker)
Answerer 1
Maybe this will help :



  • 10 months ago

WEAL SEX – February 16, 2012

The Weal - 15 Feb 2012
I see this ending badly with a wicked yeast infection... can be passed back and forth between partners, and symptoms are rarely present in males.

Best Penile Yeast Infection Pictures

Penile Yeast Infection

Viewing penile yeast infection pictures on-line is one of the best ways to positively identify male yeast infection. These pictures can help you diagnose yeast infection. We?ve combed the internet to collect the most clear and accurate pictures of male yeast infection. WARNING: The photographs you?ll find listed below are intense and very graphic. They show close-up and detailed body parts in various stages of disease and can be disturbing to some viewers.
Also, many of the photos and drawings below depict male genitals. Use discretion in viewing with children or any others that may be frightened, disturbed, or offended by such images. These photo links are presented here solely in the interest of medical education and to help people diagnose themselves and their family members.
Common yeast infection symptoms for men with penile yeast infection are:
irritation, itching, and soreness of the head of the penis and/or foreskin head may show redness and may have small white blisters
Click to open photographs of male yeast infection (See WARNING above.)
Click below to view various yeast infection photographs. (See WARNING above.)

View the original article here


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How to cure yeast infection without wasting money?

my sister has been having Yeast Infection for a few years now and she's only 14 years old. Is there any way to cure it without wasting money on drugs that will never work?
  • 3 years ago
Sherin SSherin S

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

There are some easy tips are mentioned to overcome the problems related to yeast infection.
These include;
1. Take Warm sitz baths, using herbs and teas can help relieve the itching and burning.
2.Over the counter drugs can be used at times.
3.Proper hygiene is a must and should be implemented.
4.Cutting the conditions for the growth of yeasts by the elimination of immunosuppressive drugs and antibiotics (if you are taken), and dietary deprivation of the candida of those foods on which it is nourished and flourishes.
5.Destruction of yeast proliferation in the body.
6.Rebalancing and strengthening of the body's immune system for the restoration of proper function.
7.Reduce stress, too much stress triggers yeast infections. Again, the immune system comes into play here. Since women do too much for their family and others, they need to address the issues of stress and relaxation.
8. Avoid eating sugary foods that triggers these infections as well.


  • 3 years ago

The Ten Annoying Social Media Friends We All Have

BlogWorld (blog) - 5 days ago
Your persistent bad grammar and constant need to post silly pictures of ... of the seventh car you've wrecked this year to updates on your yeast infection.

Prescription Drugs for Yeast Infection Cure

Prescription Drugs for Yeast Infection Cure
Are prescription drugs the best yeast infection cure? They require a visit to your doctor first. Why go through the time, expense, and inconvenience of a visit to the doctors office?
The primary reason to visit a doctor is if you've never had a yeast infection and are not sure if that's what you have. Your doctor can help by diagnosing your exact condition. This is especially important if the genitals are affected as you want to make sure you don't have a more serious condition or disease.
Second, if your condition does not respond to either home remedies or over-the-counter products in a reasonable time you may have a more serious condition.
Remember: If you are not sure what your condition is or if your symptoms do not improve or get worse SEE YOUR DOCTOR immediately!
Also, remember that if your doctor confirms that you do indeed have a yeast infection it is still up to you to decide which yeast infection cure - natural or drug-based - you prefer.
Your doctor will need to examine the yeast infection. For vaginal yeast infection, most likely a pelvic examination will be performed followed by a wet prep. The doctor or lab can confirm that you indeed have a yeast infection by visually identification under the microscope.
These drugs are more powerful than what is available over-the-counter and thus require a doctor's prescription for yeast infection cure. They come in two basic forms: topical creams - applied to affected area pills - taken orally
These drugs are anti-fungals that work by attacking the fungus directly. The creams are preferable in that they are applied directly to the affected area while the pills saturate your entire system with the drug. Considering there are sometimes adverse side effects, the local application seems to be the wiser choice for yeast infection cure. Even though the pill form lets you avoid the messiness of the cream application don't forget that you're exposing your body to a fairly strong substance.
Your doctor will probably prescribe one of the following drugs (active ingredient shown in parenthesis):
Gynazole (butoconazole) - cream Terazol (terconazole) - cream Diflucan (fluconazole) - a pill Nizoral (ketoconazole) - pill or cream
Be sure to read all product literature before taking any drug. It's also a good idea to search on-line to read for yourself the possible side effects. Some of these drugs cause headaches, fever, and flu-like symptoms in some women. But some drugs have more serious side effects such as liver damage or irregular heartbeat. Never assume you'll be excluded from the group that experiences adverse reaction to a drug.
In addition to side effects, some individuals may have an allergic reaction to any of these drugs, ranging from uncomfortable to potentially serious.
Finally, the anti-fungals have also been shown to breakdown latex, the material used in condoms and diaphragms.
The Gynazole product comes in a single-dose pre-filled disposable applicator as a one-time treatment. It relies on a strong concentration of the anti-fungal butoconazole -- the same active ingredient used in the OTC products Femstat and Mycelex.
Negatives include: possible side effects, possible allergic reactions, and latex breakdown.
Terazol is packaged in three suppositories. These are inserted each night at bedtime, for 3 nights.
The product literature for Diflucan touts the wonders of taking 1 pill versus 7 days of messy creams. But be sure to read all the fine print. From the www.diflucan.com website we quote:
"In clinical studies, the most common side effects associated with Diflucan were headache (13%), nausea (7%), and abdominal pain (6%). With Diflucan there is the possibility of an increased risk of side effects compared with creams. To prevent heart-related complications, do not take Diflucan if you are taking Propulsid?. In rare instances, serious effects on the liver and serious allergic reactions were reported. Do not take Diflucan if you are nursing. If you are pregnant or taking other medications, consult your doctor."
Okay, it's your body. But why risk "abdominal pain", "heart-related complications", "serious allergic reactions", etc.??? Is a few days of the creamy mess really that bad? Have you tried yogurt and proboitics already? Many women have found that home remedies provide an effective yeast infection cure.
Remember your mother's advice ... "Don't become a highway statistic. Wear your seat-belt!"? Well, why risk becoming a "prescription drug statistic"? If you're sure you have a yeast infection, try some yogurt or other non-risky remedies first. [End of soapbox!]
Nizoral is another powerful but risky medication. It comes in a variety of forms including a pill, a cream and even an OTC shampoo. All contain the broad spectrum anti-fungal ketoconazole.
The oral form comes with the following warnings:
" .... must be used cautiously if you have a history of liver disease. Hepatitis is the most dangerous side effect of this drug. ... You may experience nausea and vomiting. ... Can lead to dangerously irregular heartbeats."
Please read my soapbox above under Diflucan and I'll save my breath.
(BACK to top of Prescription Drugs for yeast infection cure page)

View the original article here


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How do I cure a yeast infection when I am allergic to the over the counter drugs like Monistat and Gynolotrim?

I am allergic to all the over the counter yeast infection treatments. Diflucan worked for about 10 days and now it is back. I can't afford to go to the Dr. (I pay 100%) to get a prescription every time I get a yeast infection.
  • 10 months ago
Larkin LLarkin L

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

If you try the baking soda douche - be careful as I've heard the opposite - I've heard baking soda will actually make a yeast infection worse.

Have you tried tea tree oil or garlic (be careful as the oil does sting.

Consider going on a yeast-free diet, no sugar (as sugar feeds yeast), no alcohol - so no cakes, candy, sweets, etc.

*Take Lots of acidophilus/probiotics or eat Unsweetened (Plain) Yogurt
*Avoid tight jeans and other tight pants
*Wear cotton underwear during the day, no thongs
*Wear no underwear to bed
* Put a tsp of apple cider vinegar in a 6-8 ounce glass of water and drink it 2-3 times a day.


Fill a bathtub with just enough warm, not hot, water to create a sitz bath (enough water to cover your groin and just up to your belly). Add 2 cups of raw apple cider vinegar and sit in the bath with your knees folded toward your body (not stretched out flat). You can stay in this bath mixture for 15 minutes. Gently pat dry and make sure you are very dry before putting any clothes on. Wear only cotton underpants, preferably washed in natural unscented detergent.

Good luck!
  • 10 months ago

Self Treatment Of Vaginal Yeast Infections

Newsolio (blog) - 17 Feb 2012
You might have to consider using an over-the-counter medication for yeast infection concurrently with your prescription for antibiotics.