I'm going to let you in on a secret that can not only cure your yeast problems, it may actually cure a lot of other problems that you are experiencing. What I'm talking about is switching over to a raw food diet or becoming as raw as you possibly can. Here are a few tips on how this can help you to be able to overcome your yeast infection and how you can begin implementing it in your life without too much difficulty.
First of all, you should know that it is not going to be easy for you to switch over to this type of a diet, especially if you have been eating regular food for a long period of time. Many of us, however, who are frustrated over recurring yeast infections would be willing to try anything in order to overcome them. Switching over to a raw food diet has more to do with adding food into your daily diet than it does with taking it away. Instead of doing everything at one time, begin adding some raw food into each and every meal and you will soon find that it is crowding out the bad foods that you are eating.
The reason why raw food is so good for yeast infections is because it helps to bring our body back into a natural balance that it is probably missing. After all, most yeast infections occur as a result of a lack of good bacteria in our body. Raw food will help your body to be healthy from the inside out and it will naturally be able to fight these yeast infections, each time one starts to occur. It will also help us to be balanced as far as our pH is concerned and if we are in a healthy, alkaline state then yeast infections will not be able to grow.
It is going to take some determination on your part in order to switch over to this type of diet. You may not be able to go 100% raw and that is fine, as long as you are eating the majority of your food in a raw state. There are also some cooked foods which are alkaline in nature and if you must eat something that is cooked, make sure that it is one of these types of foods. Once you begin to see your yeast infections disappear, it will make any effort that you have to put into it well worth your while.
Resolved Question
Show me another »Is the raw dog food diet better than dog kibble?
have a 8yr old chocolate lab. He's overweight by probally 2 pounds and
has bad yeast infections in both of his ears.He plays ball and walks
outside for about 20 mins a day. We put medicine in his ears about twice
a week and have even tried feeding him yogurt but nothing helps. I
heard that the raw food diet is more natural for the dogs and will solve
all his problems in time...fact or fiction?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
I think so, as it's what dogs were MEANT to eat.
Raw feeding won't solve *all* his problems, but it will greatly help with many & I'm guessing it will help with the yeast infections.
I started my dog on a raw diet when he was 8 years old, too. He did just fine & is now 10 years old, still on the raw diet, and THRIVING. His coat is excellent, too. http://rawfeedingtips.yolasite.com/
Starred for my raw feeding contacts, hopefully they can answer you too.
Raw feeding won't solve *all* his problems, but it will greatly help with many & I'm guessing it will help with the yeast infections.
I started my dog on a raw diet when he was 8 years old, too. He did just fine & is now 10 years old, still on the raw diet, and THRIVING. His coat is excellent, too. http://rawfeedingtips.yolasite.com/
Starred for my raw feeding contacts, hopefully they can answer you too.
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- FACT: raw is always better than processed or cooked, even for us.
the problem might not be dry vs. raw, though. If you look in the ingredients of the dog food you are feeding your lab, you'll probably see corn or corn meal in the top five ingredients. Corn is just a filler and is empty carbs. Corn is not digestable and will only lead to your dog being hungrier and gain more weight. The best thing for your dog might be a vet's diet or a more meat and rice or barley based food. Try to get a food with no corn in it. If you can afford it, try Science Diet or BilJac and feed him only what it says to. your dog will be healthier and become a healthier weight. If neither of those types of foods is reasonable, just try two cups of Diamond Dog Food twice a day (the Chicken and Rice, Beef Meal and Rice, or Lamb Meal and Rice) They will have a stripe down the side that says Naturals, don't buy the others offered because the contain corn. Hope this helped.Source(s):
Research, committed dog lover and care taker.25% 1 Vote- 4 Rating: Good Answer
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- Only a rare handful of dogs cannot tolerate a raw diet. My adult Great Dane is one of those dogs. Most dogs benefit immensely from it. I'd love to do raw, but I have four dogs and I'll admit, it's a lot of work and for dogs my size it would be incredibly expensive, because I only do organic meat and poultry in my home. That and I have one dog that cannot tolerate such a diet.0% 0 Votes
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- Raw food is great. Everyone is pretty much right. Every living creature does better on raw food. It only makes sense because we are the only species that don't eat a 100% raw food diet. Though it's not a cure-all as you may be hoping, it's at least natural food which will provide your dog with better nutrition as well as make him more regular. Since it is more expensive, I usually feed my dogs half kibble and half raw organic meat.
Just remember to transition from cooked to raw slowly because, just like humans, if you put someone that's on an all-cooked diet on an all-raw diet overnight, they will definitely explode on the toilet :)
On a sidenote...
I'm appalled when I go to a vet's office where there is literature provided by science diet trying to convince consumers (and vets) how soy and corn are good for our dogs. When I went to that vet, they asked me what I was feeding my dogs and I told them, and they told me that raw food is dangerous and that they need to be on the science diet. I switched vets :) My current vet agrees that a raw food diet is more nutritionally sound than the kibble.
Though this might not be the answer to your dog's yeast infection problems, it definitely won't hurt and I think you'll notice a positive difference in your dog after feeding him raw for a while.
Good luck.
-DrewBuddy0% 0 Votes- 4 Rating: Good Answer
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- A "lab" is place where medical tests are conducted. I presume your pet is a Labrador.
And you have an adult Lab that is ONLY 2 lbs over weight??? Unfortunately the International Standard of the Labrador was invented by the British, and so doesn't include a weight range.
Almost ANYTHING is better for dogs than is kibble! In the first group below, click the Links => Feeding buttons then work through the research reports about Bloat. If you can do arithmetic you will discover that the period in which bloat escalated matches the 35 years in which kibbles went from virtually-unknown to virtually-universal.
I have no evidence yet, but I suspect that the rise in allergies is also linked to the rise in use of kibbles instead of species-suitable food.
But there is no need to go to all the finicky measuring & counting of percentages that addicts of the BARF or RAW diets waste time on.
Canids evolved with a digestive system PERFECTLY suited to raw animal proteins - birds, eggs, fish (but not those needles, please), insects, mammals, reptiles - whether fresh-killed or as carrion.
And during the millennia of domestication, those that couldn't survive on cooked table scraps (but no baked/roasted bones, please) died, just as dogs that can't thrive on kibbles are dying nowadays.
So feed whatever meat is cheap (preferably on-the-bone, like rabbits), add your cooked table scraps at least a couple of times a week, and "Don't worry, be happy..."
Kangaroo has the reputation of being the best meat for dogs, pig the worst, but I've not bothered checking whether that is true or just yet another old wives' tale. Mine have mainly lamb's briskets, but have also had beef, bull's pestle-bases, goat, pulverised chook, shark, freezer-burnt sheep, venison throats.
However, you MUST clear up the yeast infection in his coat and especially in his ears - and although a kibble-diet contributes to causing that infection, a meat diet will NOT cure it.
• Add http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/The_G… to your browser's Bookmarks or Favorites so that you can easily look up such as rescue groups, feeding, vaccinations, worming, clubs, weights, teething, neutering, disorders, genetics. Most of the public parts apply to any breed.
• To ask about Labs, join some of the YahooGroups dedicated to various aspects of living with them. Each group's Home page tells you which aspects they like to discuss, and how active they are. Unlike YA, they are set up so that you can have an ongoing discussion with follow-up questions for clarification. Most allow you to include photos in your messages.
Les P, owner of GSD_Friendly: http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/GSD_F…
"In GSDs" as of 1967