Yeast infections are actually a fairly common occurrence but there are times whenever people have recurring yeast infections that become chronic. Whenever this is the case, they can be very difficult to get rid of and even if we are able to reduce the amount of yeast in our body enough that it is not causing a problem, it soon comes back with a vengeance. Let's take a look at why people have recurring yeast infections and what can be done in order to overcome the problem that is plaguing us.
There are several different reasons why a person would have recurring yeast infections. First of all, it may come about as a result of prolonged antibiotic use because that kills the bacteria that keeps the yeast in check. Once the yeast infection starts, however, it is difficult to overcome, even if we stop taking the antibiotic. The reason why this is the case is because the overgrowth of yeast in our body stops the bacteria from from forming again unless you take positive action by doing something naturally.
The lack of taking care of your yeast infection naturally is probably behind what is causing your recurring problem. The reason why this is the case is because whenever you treat your yeast infection with something from the pharmacy, you're really not treating the infection at all. All that you are doing is killing the weaker yeast and leaving the stronger yeast behind. Whenever you stop taking the medicine, the yeast will begin to grow again and it will be stronger with each successive infection that you have. Eventually, you will be unable to treat the yeast infection with anything from the drugstore at all.
The way to overcome a recurring yeast infection is to bring your body back into the balance that it needs. This can be done by eating the proper foods, including all natural yogurt. You might also consider putting yogurt directly on the area that is suffering from the infection as many people have seen good results from doing this. Every morning, take a probiotic in order to build up the bacteria inside of your digestive tract. You should also be drinking a lot of water every day as hydration will help you to fight off the yeast infection naturally. A combination of these things usually helps to reduce the infection in our body and to get us to the point where we can fight it off naturally.
Resolved Question
Show me another »What is wrong with me? Hypothyroidism, Pituitary hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's? Added ranges for results.?
I'm 19, about 5 feet tall, 116 lbs. African-American.
History: Most of the symptoms I have I've had for years, but being raised in a family that pushed me to “just deal with it” whenever I complained about feeling sick I was forced to push myself. I'm in a much better situation, but since I've been here my health has consistently been declining and I've developed anxiety which keeps getting worse. Life before this year was pretty close to unbearably stressful including frequent sporadic bouts of homelessness all throughout my life as well as other traumatic events. I thought maybe it could be ptsd or GAD, but the anxiety just began now that I'm removed from the stressful situation and placed into a stable one, same with my body pretty much breaking down. Through-out my developmental years I abused a variety of pills (Been clean for awhile.) as well as ingesting mass amounts of soy (vegetarian for eight years) and starting birth control at 14. Family has a history of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, addiction. Possibly a history of hypothyroid, but only one family member is officially diagnosed ,four people total with parallel symptoms though.
Symptoms including, but not limited to: Dry, brittle hair & scalp, hair loss, dry skin, several different kinds of recurring headaches (center of head between ears mostly), weight fluctuationss ,Hirsutism, irregular periods, infertility, acne, visual disturbances (three dots in a triangular formation), bleeding gums, tooth decay, sporadic dizziness, loss of motor control, slurred speech, fevers (past 2 month), menstrual irregularities, infertility, sinuses hurt constantly throughout ears and face, several serious sinus infections over the years, "lump stuck in throat” feeling, swelling under her chin sometimes, heartburn, stabbing chest pains (really painful almost incapacitating), heart palpitations, back & shoulder pain (excruciating, chronic), trouble digesting food, no appetite, possible gall bladder problems, daily nausea, muscle weakness, joint pain, chronic yeast infections over the years (generally very prone to infection), "tingling" in limbs kind of like they fell asleep but more intense of a pins & needles feeling, lack of energy, shortness of breath., lump on her arm about a centimeter or so high, what feels like carpal tunnel, insomnia, serious anxiety. Temperature. is very low in the morning and high at night. She's extremely sensitive to cold, sensitive to light(sometimes it causes her to vomit or pass out)
We're worried that the ranges of normality might be off considering she's a pretty tiny person and i guess wouldn't have the same range of normality as someone who is of average height and weight or someone that hasn't been on birth control on and off since they were 14
Theories have been put forth that it could be either depression in general (it absolutely isn't), 1.pituitary or secondary hypothyroid, 2.Adrenal failure originating in the pituitary gland( due to what seems like bouncing between hyperthyroid and hypothyroid) 3. Leukemia (due to my wbc being on the high end and my rbc being on the low end) or some Autoimmune disease (due to my lymphocyte count being on the high end and my monocyte count being on the low end)
Doctors are just pretty much refusing to listen to her tell them her symptoms or perform tests, especially if they know her history. Or they tell her it's anxiety or depression because her results are “within range”.
Here are a lot of test results, if you can make any sense out of them I'd really appreciate it:
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 13 mmol/L Range - 8-27
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 48 (IU/L) 60-400
LDH 115 (IU/L) 100-250
AST (SGOT) 15 (IU/L) 0-40
ALT (SGPT) 14 (IU/L) 0-55
pH 6.0
Free T4 1.28 (ng/dL) 0.61-1.76
TSH 1.051 (uIU/mL) 0.450-4.500
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab <10 (IU/mL) 0-34
free t3 3.3 (pg/mL) 2.3-4.2
antithyroglobulin ab siemens (DPC) ICMA Method <20 IU/ML 0-40
WBC 8.6 (x10E3/uL) 4.0-10.5
RBC 4.13 (x10E6/uL) 4.10-5.60
Hemoglobin 12.3 (g/dL) 12.5-17.0
Hematocrit 36.2 (%) 36.0-50.0
RDW 12.7 (%) 11.7-15.0
Platelets 344 (x10E3/uL) 140-415
Neutrophils 46 (%) 40-74
Lymphs 49 (%)14-46
Monocytes 4 (%) 4-13
Eos 1 (%) 0-7
Basos 0 (%) 0-3
Neutrophils (Absolute) 4.0 (x10E3/uL) 1.8-7.8
Lymphs (Absolute) 4.2 (x10E3/uL) 0.7-4.5
Monocytes (Absolute) 0.3 (x10E3/uL) 0.1-1.0
Eos (Absolute) 0.1 (x10E3/uL) 0.0-02
Baso (Absolute) 0.0 0.0-0.4
Additional Details
I forgot to clarify a few things. The tooth decay is recent, most of the enamel on my teeth is gone. I don't have insurance at all. I can't work and I can't go to school. And I'm no longer a vegetarian as of one year ago.
Also, I've been all over the vitamins situation. All kinds of D, B, B12, A and some other multi as well as iron supplements.
History: Most of the symptoms I have I've had for years, but being raised in a family that pushed me to “just deal with it” whenever I complained about feeling sick I was forced to push myself. I'm in a much better situation, but since I've been here my health has consistently been declining and I've developed anxiety which keeps getting worse. Life before this year was pretty close to unbearably stressful including frequent sporadic bouts of homelessness all throughout my life as well as other traumatic events. I thought maybe it could be ptsd or GAD, but the anxiety just began now that I'm removed from the stressful situation and placed into a stable one, same with my body pretty much breaking down. Through-out my developmental years I abused a variety of pills (Been clean for awhile.) as well as ingesting mass amounts of soy (vegetarian for eight years) and starting birth control at 14. Family has a history of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, addiction. Possibly a history of hypothyroid, but only one family member is officially diagnosed ,four people total with parallel symptoms though.
Symptoms including, but not limited to: Dry, brittle hair & scalp, hair loss, dry skin, several different kinds of recurring headaches (center of head between ears mostly), weight fluctuationss ,Hirsutism, irregular periods, infertility, acne, visual disturbances (three dots in a triangular formation), bleeding gums, tooth decay, sporadic dizziness, loss of motor control, slurred speech, fevers (past 2 month), menstrual irregularities, infertility, sinuses hurt constantly throughout ears and face, several serious sinus infections over the years, "lump stuck in throat” feeling, swelling under her chin sometimes, heartburn, stabbing chest pains (really painful almost incapacitating), heart palpitations, back & shoulder pain (excruciating, chronic), trouble digesting food, no appetite, possible gall bladder problems, daily nausea, muscle weakness, joint pain, chronic yeast infections over the years (generally very prone to infection), "tingling" in limbs kind of like they fell asleep but more intense of a pins & needles feeling, lack of energy, shortness of breath., lump on her arm about a centimeter or so high, what feels like carpal tunnel, insomnia, serious anxiety. Temperature. is very low in the morning and high at night. She's extremely sensitive to cold, sensitive to light(sometimes it causes her to vomit or pass out)
We're worried that the ranges of normality might be off considering she's a pretty tiny person and i guess wouldn't have the same range of normality as someone who is of average height and weight or someone that hasn't been on birth control on and off since they were 14
Theories have been put forth that it could be either depression in general (it absolutely isn't), 1.pituitary or secondary hypothyroid, 2.Adrenal failure originating in the pituitary gland( due to what seems like bouncing between hyperthyroid and hypothyroid) 3. Leukemia (due to my wbc being on the high end and my rbc being on the low end) or some Autoimmune disease (due to my lymphocyte count being on the high end and my monocyte count being on the low end)
Doctors are just pretty much refusing to listen to her tell them her symptoms or perform tests, especially if they know her history. Or they tell her it's anxiety or depression because her results are “within range”.
Here are a lot of test results, if you can make any sense out of them I'd really appreciate it:
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 13 mmol/L Range - 8-27
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 48 (IU/L) 60-400
LDH 115 (IU/L) 100-250
AST (SGOT) 15 (IU/L) 0-40
ALT (SGPT) 14 (IU/L) 0-55
pH 6.0
Free T4 1.28 (ng/dL) 0.61-1.76
TSH 1.051 (uIU/mL) 0.450-4.500
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab <10 (IU/mL) 0-34
free t3 3.3 (pg/mL) 2.3-4.2
antithyroglobulin ab siemens (DPC) ICMA Method <20 IU/ML 0-40
WBC 8.6 (x10E3/uL) 4.0-10.5
RBC 4.13 (x10E6/uL) 4.10-5.60
Hemoglobin 12.3 (g/dL) 12.5-17.0
Hematocrit 36.2 (%) 36.0-50.0
RDW 12.7 (%) 11.7-15.0
Platelets 344 (x10E3/uL) 140-415
Neutrophils 46 (%) 40-74
Lymphs 49 (%)14-46
Monocytes 4 (%) 4-13
Eos 1 (%) 0-7
Basos 0 (%) 0-3
Neutrophils (Absolute) 4.0 (x10E3/uL) 1.8-7.8
Lymphs (Absolute) 4.2 (x10E3/uL) 0.7-4.5
Monocytes (Absolute) 0.3 (x10E3/uL) 0.1-1.0
Eos (Absolute) 0.1 (x10E3/uL) 0.0-02
Baso (Absolute) 0.0 0.0-0.4
Additional Details
I forgot to clarify a few things. The tooth decay is recent, most of the enamel on my teeth is gone. I don't have insurance at all. I can't work and I can't go to school. And I'm no longer a vegetarian as of one year ago.
Also, I've been all over the vitamins situation. All kinds of D, B, B12, A and some other multi as well as iron supplements.
Additional Details
Not diabetic. Been having trouble feeling my peehole and trouble peeing.
4 years ago
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
I would ask for a serum ferritin test. Anemia
often shows up in the ferritin (storage iron) before it is apparent in
other iron tests. With your hemoglobin slightly below range, your
hematocrit at the bottom of its range, and your history of
vegetarianism, I would suspect that many of your symptoms are due to
anemia. If you were a vegetarian for very long, you may have lost your
ability to digest meat.
I would add that soy binds thyroid hormone and prevents it from being absorbed into your cells. If you still eat any soy at all, you can be hypothyroid on the tissue level, even though your blood levels look OK.
The lump in the throat might be a thyroid nodule, which should be watched with ultrasound imaging.
I would add that soy binds thyroid hormone and prevents it from being absorbed into your cells. If you still eat any soy at all, you can be hypothyroid on the tissue level, even though your blood levels look OK.
The lump in the throat might be a thyroid nodule, which should be watched with ultrasound imaging.
About Thyroid (not sure of URL right now)
About Thyroid (not sure of URL right now)
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Other Answers (2)
- Simple , your a hypochondriac, and you definitely need help. See your doctor,or maybe you already do too much.0% 0 Votes
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- Well, you could have hypothyroidism although ur blood tests seem ok. Diabetes is something else to consider. It does sound like there are some anxiety and depressive issues there and you would be amazed at what that can do to the boddy! It does sound like you could have some sort or a combination of auto immune disorders. Keep on at the dr's until they get it right.
Don't give up!Source(s):
Diabetic for 36 yrs, hypothyroidism, old age lol