Treating Yeast Infection In Mouth And Tummy - What Foods Will Get Rid Of Yeast Infection In Mouth And Tummy?
by: Elizabeth Peterson K.
So what is the best way for treating yeast infection in mouth and tummy? I have this infection and it?s been a real bore to me. I want to cure it for good. So what foods will get rid of yeast in the mouth and in the tummy?
This is a question we got the other day and I will try to give an answer to it here. We cannot tell if it is yeast overgrowth from the computer, however it is likely, and very common. You are right on that eating well is key to health, and excess sugar, refined flour products, chlorinated water and caffeine can all contribute to yeast overgrowth as can antibiotics and other drugs.
"Probiotics" such as cultured yogurt, acidophilus supplemented (Jarrow brands and Primal Defense being among those of excellent quality, though can be pricy) helps rebalance the healthy bacteria in your gut. Fermented raw veggies are probably the strongest source for rebalancing as well as most cost effective, but do take a little time investment in learning how; - is a wise habit though, to build immunity as well as digestion.
If you are adventurous with an earthy palate, safe and nourishing herbs to eat would be burdock root (you can find these in health food groceries and find recipes online), dandelion leaves, and roasted chickory tea. These are traditional gut builders and are very safe herbs and good medicine.
However, to initially CLEAR OUT the excess yeast, I strongly hint on the suggestion of grapefruit seed extract, or GSE. Although use caution if you are pregnant and ALWAYS take in water if you use the liquid extract rather than pills. Other helpful supplements are capryllic acid and the herb pau d'arco you can take in capsules. Copious amounts of raw garlic or garlic tabs are also helpful and avoiding sugar as much as possible is crucial!
It is probably not celiac disease, which usually has much more dramatic symptoms, although it could be a wheat, soy, or nut sensitivity that can develop even after you have had no problems with this food in the past (often referred to as an "allergy"). You can cut out suspect food and see how your body responds, also try an herbal bitter before meals such as Sweetish Bitters, to stimulate digestion.
You can also have your doctor or other healthcare provider order a test for you from a place like Genova Diagnostics who have excellent tests for food allergies, candida (yeast infection), etc. There is a lot of good research on this available, just be wary of information garnished from web sites trying to sell you their products, its often a little over the top and not legitimate.
About The Author Do you want to totally treat your yeast infection and stop it from ever returning? If yes, then I recommend you utilize the tactics recommended in the: Yeast Infection No More Book.
Click here : Yeast Infection No More, to read more about this natural candida cure manual, and discover how it has been helping 1000s of people allover the world to totally treat their condition.
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Show me another »What foods will get rid of yeast infection in mouth and tummy?
my tummy gurgles all the time and has tons of gas bubbles all day
i also have a whitish film on tongue
is it yeast? if so how to get rid of it?i had all this for months now
i also have a whitish film on tongue
is it yeast? if so how to get rid of it?i had all this for months now
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I have a natural healing book this is the info in it.
candiada albicans yeast grows more rapidly when the body has a lack of iron/magnesium., zinc or vitamin deficiency.
theyeast than obtains these vital mineral and vitamins from foods depriving the body of those nutrients. the result is continuing symptoms of deficiency and a weakened immune system
try to eat abundant fruit and vegetables and whole grains.
Yeast infections usually result form a weakened immune system taking plant extracts of
echinacea/ astragalus/ and siberian ginseng can support you immuine defenses make sure that they are of good quality
To kill yeast once you have an infection try plant based fungicides such as grapefruit seed extract and herbal teas including "mate tea" taking supplements of acidophilus and eating yogurt with live cultures (plain unsweatened 1%) help to restore the good bacteria in your intestine
to avoid reinfection
wash underwear /stockings/ towels in hot water 140 F to kill yeast cells
ware cotton underware(synthetics make yo usweat more the extra moisture provides good growing conditions )
toothbrushes are frequent sources of transmission and reinfectons change your toothbruch every four weeks and more during infections.
use a soap free washing lotion to prevent injury to the skin's protective acid coating/ be sure to dry your skin very thoroughly after washing.
the reasons for all of these procations is once you have it one place you can spread to others
grapefruit seed extract is a highlyeffective antibiotic and fungicide. it kills candida yeast without harming natureal intestinal flora.
you can get this in capsule form at some pharmacies and health foods stores
candiada albicans yeast grows more rapidly when the body has a lack of iron/magnesium., zinc or vitamin deficiency.
theyeast than obtains these vital mineral and vitamins from foods depriving the body of those nutrients. the result is continuing symptoms of deficiency and a weakened immune system
try to eat abundant fruit and vegetables and whole grains.
Yeast infections usually result form a weakened immune system taking plant extracts of
echinacea/ astragalus/ and siberian ginseng can support you immuine defenses make sure that they are of good quality
To kill yeast once you have an infection try plant based fungicides such as grapefruit seed extract and herbal teas including "mate tea" taking supplements of acidophilus and eating yogurt with live cultures (plain unsweatened 1%) help to restore the good bacteria in your intestine
to avoid reinfection
wash underwear /stockings/ towels in hot water 140 F to kill yeast cells
ware cotton underware(synthetics make yo usweat more the extra moisture provides good growing conditions )
toothbrushes are frequent sources of transmission and reinfectons change your toothbruch every four weeks and more during infections.
use a soap free washing lotion to prevent injury to the skin's protective acid coating/ be sure to dry your skin very thoroughly after washing.
the reasons for all of these procations is once you have it one place you can spread to others
grapefruit seed extract is a highlyeffective antibiotic and fungicide. it kills candida yeast without harming natureal intestinal flora.
you can get this in capsule form at some pharmacies and health foods stores
natural healing book
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Other Answers (5)
- You need to improve your digestion. A good pro biotic is the answer. Did you take some antibiotics in the last couple of years ?
The best probiotic is Dr. Ohhira's Probiotic 24+ can be found on line.
Good natural fungicides: Cinnamon capsules, oregano capsules, Olive leaf extract. grapefruit seed extract. All can be found at health stores.
A food allergy could be Dairy products, Eggs, peanuts (including peanut butter) white flour and sugar. Stay off of these for a week and see if you feel better.Source(s):
15 years of natural research.- 0 Rating: Good Answer
- 0 Rating: Bad Answer
- You can buy a supplement at natural food stores called acidophilous - this is the natural "good" bacteria that is supposed to be living in our digestive systems. Sometimes we go way off balance (antibiotics is one common reason) so the bad bacteria takes over. Put the good stuff back in charge! Acidophilous should be refrigerated so it stays alive, if the store doesn't have it refrigerated, get it somewhere else.
My sister is a physician assistant and swears by this! Any bacterial imbalance in the body can be corrected with this.- 0 Rating: Good Answer
- 1 Rating: Bad Answer
- Good old plain yogurt is the trick. If you feel you need it you can get Acidopholis.
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- We cannot tell if it is yeast overgrowth from the computer, however it is likely, and very common. You are right on that eating well is key to health, and excess sugar, refined flour products, chlorinated water and caffeine can all contribute to yeast overgrowth as can antiobiotics and other drugs.
"Probiotics" such as cultured yogurt, acidophilus supplemented (Jarrow brands and Primal Defense being among those of excellent quality, though can be pricy) helps rebalance the healthy bacteria in your gut. Fermented raw veggies (http://www.wildfermentation.com/) are probably the strongest source for rebalancing as well as most cost effective, but does take a little time investment in learning how. Is a wise habit though, to build immunity as well as digestion...
If you are adventurous with an earthy palate, safe and nourishing herbs to eat would be burdock root (you can find these in health food groceries and find recipes online), dandelion leaves, and roasted chickory tea. These are traditional gut builders and are very safe herbs and good medicine.
However, to inititally CLEAR OUT the excess yeast, I strongly second the suggestion of grapefruit seed extract, or GSE. Although use caution if you are pregnant and ALWAYS take in water if you use the liquid extract rather than pills. Other helpful supplements are capryllic acid and the herb pau d'arco you can take in capsules. Copious amounts of raw garlic or garlic tabs are also helpful and avoiding sugar as much as possible is crucial!
It is probably not celiac disease, which usually has much more dramatic symptoms, although it could be a wheat, soy, or nut sensitivity that can develop even after you have had no problems with this food in the past (often referred to as an "allergy"). You can cut out suspect food and see how your body responds, also try an herbal bitter before meals such as Sweedish Bitters, to stimulate digestion.
You can also have your doctor or other healthcare provider order a test for you from a place like Genova Diagnostics http://genovadiagnostics.com/ who have excellent tests for food allerigies, candida (yeast infection), etc
There is a lot of good research on this available, just be wary of information garnished from web sites trying to sell you their products, its often a little over the top and not legitimate.- 0 Rating: Good Answer
- 1 Rating: Bad Answer
- Sounds like you should stay away from wheat and sugar. You should really check with your doctor. You might have celiac disease which is a wheat and gluten intolerance. If you have a lot of yeast, you should be checked for diabetes. Don't let this go....please check with your doctor.
mouth (Photo credit: Darwin Bell) |
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