At times, we may have problems with our body and we are unsure of exactly how to treat them. This is the case whenever it comes to a yeast infection and the reason that there is so much confusion over how to treat it is because there are so many pharmaceutical cures that are available at the drugstore. It is really nothing for us to go to the drugstore and pick up a cream which promises to get rid of the yeast infection in just a matter of days. You know what it is actually doing? It is killing the yeast to the extent where there's not a problem but it is not curing the problem that is causing it in the first place.
There is a way of eating that will not only help to cure yeast infections, it will make you feel fantastic from the inside out. It is a raw food diet and although it can be a little bit difficult to stick to a diet like this, it is certainly well worth the effort once you begin to notice the differences in your body. The way that it is done is quite simple. Instead of eating cooked foods, meats, eggs and milk you should be eating plenty of fruits and vegetables without cooking them. The variety that you can choose from is only limited by your imagination and you would be surprised with exactly how much you will be able to eat.
The beautiful thing about a raw food diet is the fact that it helps to bring your body back into a natural balance that is impossible by any other means. Yes, it can be difficult to stick to a diet like this when we are living in a world full of delicious food but whenever you are able to say goodbye to your yeast infections and many of the other ailments that you are dealing with, it will all be well worth the effort.
The easiest way for you to convert yourself over to a raw food diet in order to get rid of your yeast infection is to add raw food to your daily meal plan. Don't try to go cold turkey, so to speak. Add food your diet and eventually, it will crowd out the other foods that are not only making you feel poorly, they are causing yeast infections.
Resolved Question
Show me another »Severe food allergies?
I got my Yorkie when she was 2
years old. When I got her, her ears were inflamed and stinky, her
muzzle was red and she was constantly itching and biting her skin. As a
precaution I gave her revolution in case she had ear mites, fleas, or
ticks. I took her to the vet and they said it was more than likely food
allergies. They also found yeast and started her on steroids and an ear
rinse and cream. This worked for the time she was taking the steroids
and then stopped once her pills ran out. Not wanting her to stay on
steroids I put her on an elimination diet. I started to feed her an elk
and sweet potato food that I cooked with no other ingredients. She
ate this for about two months with a lot of improvement to her muzzle
and skin, her ears also got increasingly better.
While there were improvements, her itching and biting, irritated muzzle and ears never cleared all the way up. With her problems not cleared up I thought she might still have problems with yeast. So I put her on a low carb and low sugar diet. She now eats a raw diet of elk, jicama, celery, zucchini, parsley, green beans, kale, coconut oil, Udo’s 3-6-9 Oil, and Udo's Choice Pet Essentials. I made sure she gets 33% meat, 33% Fat, and the rest is carbs in the form of dietary fiber. There is a minute amount of sugars in this food. After this diet her conditions got better but never cleared up completely.
I noticed she itches and bites herself a lot after she goes on grass. So I started bathing her everyday with a homemade shampoo made of liquid castile soap, tea tree oil, oil of oregano, and clove oil. I then rinse her with a homemade water, vinegar and peppermint oil rinse. I also rinse rinse her ears once daily with a homemade witch hazel and tea tree oil rinse. Every time she comes in from outside I dip her feet with a homemade water, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar rinse. I started feeding her Inner-Eco Coconut Water Probiotic Kefir, oil of oregano, and Pau D’Arco to help with the yeast along with her raw food diet.
Since I have done all of these things she has improved remarkably but I am still not satisfied. She still itches and bites her skin, ears, and muzzle, though not as much as she did before. I don’t know what else to do and am tired of spending money at the vet for little to no information. I have got more information about her conditions from the internet than any vet. Anyone have any ideas about what else I could possibly do to help her stop itching?
While there were improvements, her itching and biting, irritated muzzle and ears never cleared all the way up. With her problems not cleared up I thought she might still have problems with yeast. So I put her on a low carb and low sugar diet. She now eats a raw diet of elk, jicama, celery, zucchini, parsley, green beans, kale, coconut oil, Udo’s 3-6-9 Oil, and Udo's Choice Pet Essentials. I made sure she gets 33% meat, 33% Fat, and the rest is carbs in the form of dietary fiber. There is a minute amount of sugars in this food. After this diet her conditions got better but never cleared up completely.
I noticed she itches and bites herself a lot after she goes on grass. So I started bathing her everyday with a homemade shampoo made of liquid castile soap, tea tree oil, oil of oregano, and clove oil. I then rinse her with a homemade water, vinegar and peppermint oil rinse. I also rinse rinse her ears once daily with a homemade witch hazel and tea tree oil rinse. Every time she comes in from outside I dip her feet with a homemade water, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar rinse. I started feeding her Inner-Eco Coconut Water Probiotic Kefir, oil of oregano, and Pau D’Arco to help with the yeast along with her raw food diet.
Since I have done all of these things she has improved remarkably but I am still not satisfied. She still itches and bites her skin, ears, and muzzle, though not as much as she did before. I don’t know what else to do and am tired of spending money at the vet for little to no information. I have got more information about her conditions from the internet than any vet. Anyone have any ideas about what else I could possibly do to help her stop itching?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
i personally think
you are going over the top with so many products and foods you are using
on the dog ... with dogs that are allergic, less is better ... every
single one of those products could contain something the dog is
sensitive to ... and bathing daily and rinsing the ears daily, dipping
her feet in some concoction, it is too much ... and if she is still
itching obviously it is not working ... i would get a proper soothing
shampoo and bath the dog once a week, at the same time clean the ears
... and if your dog is sensitive to grass pollens then when you bring
the dog in all that is required is a damp cloth and a quick wipe of the
paws and coat ... dipping the paws in hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, why
would you even think that is okay ??? i would suggest you simplify what
you are feeding this dog ... and did you know that dogs who have animal
protein allergies do not do well on raw diet ... and dogs tend to be
allergic to red meat which is what you are feeding ... i have a dog with
severe allergies confirmed by allergy testing ... she was on
antihistamines and steroids for ten years ... i did what you are doing,
looked for the best to help my dog ... i tried raw and every kibble
under the sun and nothing made much difference ... someone suggested to
me natural balance sweet potato and fish limited ingredient diet which
is also grain free and my dog is off all medication for the first time
in 10 years ... i feed her kibble and canned for breakfast, kibble with a
squish if wild salmon oil for lunch, and kibble and wild salmon for
supper ... she never scratches, not one ear infection, not one eye
infection, her coat is shiny and soft, and minimal shedding for the
first time since she was a puppy (she is 12 now) ... i never would have
bought natural balance in the past because i would not have considered
it "good enough" but i have learned that what is good enough is what
works ... i personally think your dog is ingesting too many things for
an allergic dog and all the bathing and rinsing will contribute to
itching ...
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Other Answers (3)
- Have her tested for allergies. Then, you will know what to avoid.0% 0 Votes
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- My bulldogge has allergies, I had him on a vet diet of a bland kibble to narrow down if it was a food allergy. Turns out it wasn't a food allergy. Then I noted when he would get the rash and do all the things you mentioned with scratching, etc.
Turns out he's allergic to grass.
I spoke to a few different vets about getting him tested, and after talking to all of them, only one was pushing for the testing. He was likely pushing for the fat bill I'd be paying though. The blood testing and allergy testing will only tell you that it's an allergic reaction. It might narrow down to a grass type allergy, but it won't tell you exactly which grass. It also depends on which season you are in. For me (Alberta, Canada) to get accurate testing, I would need to take him in about 5 or 6 times to narrow it down, and that still won't help me.
If this is a food allergy, then testing might be the best route, and simplify the diet. It sounds really complicated to me, personally.
Anyway, to cut this short now, we are seeing a vet dermatologist, definitely not cheap, but it seems to be helping. His diet stll didn't have to change much, and as usual, he told me not to wash him too much (it dries the skin out way too much). I have a spray I use on him to help coat his skin, and when he runs in the grass, I have to wipe him down with a clean wet cloth. That's it. Simple.
Check your area for a vet dermatologist though, they were the best help I found.
Edit - MUNCHKIN, which steroid antihistamines were you using? Just wondering if they were the little pink pills, and if you noticed any bad side affects with your dog?
Ugh...gotta love dogs with allergies! Good thing we love them!14% 1 Vote- 0 Rating: Good Answer
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- You believe she is allergic to grass yet you are giving her oils extracted from grasses. From the Udo's brochure: " It contains oils from fresh, certified organic flax, sesame, sunflower and evening primrose seeds as well as oils from rice and oat germ"
I would nix the Udo's and replace with fish oil.
Washing with soap will dry out her skin more than anything else. Dogs should not be bathed more than every two months or so. Let her natural oils remain on her skin.
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