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"I've got a rash in a very annoying place. Why even consider yeast infection home remedies?"
"Why not just rush down to my nearest drug store - buy a bunch of anti-fungal products and ATTACK this thing?"
Answer: While you're here at the Home Remedies page you might as well spend a few minutes to understand the pros and cons of various treatment options. Then you can rush off to drug store if you'd like.
After you understand what causes yeast infection (see our Yeast Infection Causes page) you'll realize that you're really dealing with a problem of yeast overgrowth not really an infection per say. As such, your body will be much happier and healthier in the long run if you can strike at the root of the problem.
Benefits of Yeast Infection Home Remedies include: They are generally more mild, cleaner, and more pleasant to use They have few or no side effects They work as well or better than medications and drugs - for much less money They put you in control of your own health with less dependence on expensive medical help
The yeast infection home remedies listed below can be used for treating any type of infection. For each home remedy we give a general description. If there are specific suggestions for a particular type of yeast infection such as vaginal yeast infection, skin, mouth, or infant yeast infection - these are noted for each remedy.
All of the following yeast infection home remedies can be used in combination. Experiment a bit. See what works for you. If you find one remedy easier to prepare and use then go with that first. Remember it's your body and your health.
Yogurt is the first step in your fight against yeast infection. In fact, it effectiveness is geting so well known that even some professional medical folks will recommend it. Yogart may be used in two ways in your treatment: first, by adding to your diet and, second, by applying it directly to the infected area.
Why yogurt?
We recommend including atleast a cup of yogurt for breakfast everyday until a full week after all your yeast infection symptoms disappear. The first week of your treatment you may want to eat a second cup of yogurt as a desert or evening snack. Just buy a good supply of your favorite yogurt - plain or flavored - low fat or regular - to enjoy with breakfast each morning. Just be sure to check the label and make sure it mentions either "lactobacillus acidophilus" or "live culture".
In addition to adding yogurt to your diet, you can apply it directly to the affected especially for vaginal infections. Purchase plain non-flavored yogurt with NO SUGAR ADDED and no fruit added for this part of the treatment. For women the application can take a little bit of creativity. Whatever you do be sure to get a few tablespoons of fresh yogurt in direct contact with the vulga and vagina. Some people have suggested using tampon applicators, a medical syringe (without a needle, of course), or even a new, clean kitchen baster.
"What if don't like yogurt? What if I'm lactose intolerate?"
No problem. A good alternative to yogurt is to buy acidophilus in any other form. Your local natural food store should offer a variety of choices: tablets, capsules, liquids - many are even non-dairy. These forms of acidophilus can be taken orally and also applied directly in place of yogurt.
Acidophilus capsuals are also offered which have a combination of other "friendly bacteria" that your body needs. These are popularly called "probiotics" to emphasize that they have the opposite affect than "antibiotics".
Even if you like yogurt, if you really want to tackle your yeast infection aggressively consider a high quality probiotic. We've had good success with the high-quality Garden of Life products in general but especially their excellent Primal Defense product. Their particular probiotic formula does NOT require refrigeration as do many acidophilus products. Having this potent probiotic in a convenient, non-refridgerated form means you're more likely to take it regularly and thus counteract the overactive yeast more quickly.
For detailed product information go to the GardenofLife.com website, however, for lowest price and free shipping we usually find Amazon has the best deal. Search for it at your favorite on-line vendor or just click here to review and order from Amazon: Garden of Life Primal Defense
Many of our readers suggest always taking a high-quality probiotic for a full month following completion of any doctor prescribed rounds of antibiotics. (IMPORTANT: Take the entire course of antibiotics according to your doctors instructions and DO NOT overlap the probiotics with antibiotics - wait until you're all done first.)
Garlic has well-known anti-bacterial and anti-fungul properties. In fact, clinical trials have indicated significant anti-fungal response against several common fungi, including Candida albicans, the micro-organism behind yeast infections. Just like yogurt, garlic maybe be used both as a dietary supplement AND also directly applied to affected areas. Yogurt and garlic are the two leading choices among yeast infection home remedies.
It's always best to use fresh garlic from your local market. Eat a clove of fresh garlic once or twice a day at the on-set of yeast infection. However, if fresh garlic isn't available (or you just have a strong distaste for it) health food stores and even many supermarkets now sell garlic capsules. It's also available on dozens of on-line retailers.
To avoid actually chewing a garlic clove try this: After removing the skins, mince the garlic glove with a sharp knife. Collect the minced garlic into a spoon and fill a glass with water or your favorite juice. Spoon a portion of the minced garlic into your mouth and chase it down immediately with a drink.
Since garlic is one of the best yeast infection home remedies, if you're still having trouble dealing with fresh garlic cloves you should try one of the various brands of natural garlic tablets. These tablets make it easy to get the benefit of the garlic without the mess and strong odor.
Applying garlic directly to treat a vaginal infection can be done in a variety of ways. For vaginal use a fresh garlic clove can be wrapped in gauze, tied, lubricated, and inserted overnight. If you prefer garlic capsules you can roll some gauze, tie it, coat with K-Y jelly, cut the tip of a few galic gel caps, and squeeze garlic oil drops onto the K-Y. Again, leave overnight.
For yeast flare-ups on your skin you can either rub a slice of fresh garlic clove on your skin or squeeze oil from a gel cap into the affected area.
Since "you are what you eat" anyone suffering from any type of yeast infection should take a careful look at what they've been eating. You should absolutely discontinue taking any nutritional yeast supplements such as brewers yeast. In addition, hold off on yeast-based breads and other baked goods, atleast until your yeast infection is under control. Reintroduce them slowly after your symptoms have clear up. All of the yeast infection home remedies listed here will only be enhanced by a healthy diet.
Also, remember that the yeast micro-organisms thrive on sugars and dairy products. Thus, you may want to greatly limit or eliminate dairy and high sugar foods from your diet during yeast treatment and for a week or two after your symptoms have passed.
Tea Tree oil is also an effective remedy for yeast infection. The oil is available in natural food stores or on-line. Direct application should always be diluted. Women can put a few drops of oil into a lukewarm sitz bath. Tea Tree oil is a strong antiseptic and may cause irritation for some women. If you notice any discomfort, rinse the area with lots of plain water and discontinue use.
For vaginal infections, application can either be using Tea Tree oil suppositories or you can use a suitable applicator covered with a vaginal lubricant such as K-Y jelly add a few drops of Tea Tree oil. Some people find that the oil can cause some stinging on contact with sensitive areas so use only a few drops diluted with additional K-Y if necessary. You may want to check with your doctor or health practisioner before using Tea Tree oil as one of your yeast infection home remedies.
The folks at Whole Health (see www.wholehealthproducts.com) offer high-quality Tea Tree oil at a good price. Their 2 ounce bottle is very concentrated and is enough to treat most cases of yeast infection.
For other areas of the body follow the directions on the bottle. And REMEMBER. Tea Tree oil is for external use only Never take it internally!
A variety of herbs may be considered along with other yeast infection home remedies. Most can be either taken internally or applied to affected areas as a homemade paste or a tincture of lukewarm water. Herbs known for their anti-fungal properties include:
Black Walnut Camomile Pau-d'arco (or Tabebuia) Goldenseal Licorice
These can be taken alone or in combination. Buy them at your local natural foods market or at your favorite on-line store.
Cranberries are known for strengthening the urinary tract and may also help in your treatment of a vaginal yeast infection. Cranberry juice (pure or mixed) is probably the best source however you can also buy cranberry tablets, cranberry teas, and dried cranberries available at most local health food stores as well as on-line.
Some people have found it helpful to swab affected areas with apple cider vinegar (diluted in water). This, along with other yeast infection home remedies, may restore the body's natural pH balance which is important is discouraging yeast growth.
Book Recommendation:
Everyone interested in natural health for themselves or their family should have a copy of "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies" around the house. Published by Prevention Magazine, its a comprehensive yet concise book covering over 1200 tips for helping with common illnesses and conditions.
Pick it up locally or you can order through Amazon new for about $7 or used starting around $2.
Click here to view and order via Amazon:
The Doctors Book of Home Remedies II : Over 1,200 New Doctor-Tested Tips and Techniques Anyone Can Use to Heal Hundreds of Everyday Health Problems.
Includes details on several proven yeast infection home remedies.
Also see our summary chart Home Remedies Yeast Infection Chart for a side-by-side comparison of the best home remedies.
For our pick for the top 3 home remedies see Best Home Remedies website.
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